

Understanding adolescence
Nan Coosemans

Adolescent Masochism: advice for prevention and control

Adolescent masochism: understanding the phenomenons Think of a psychological condition that takes pleasure in pain or suffering, whether physical or emotionals. This is masochism, a phenomenon that during adolescence can manifest in disconcerting forms: self-harm, substance abuse, risky sexual behavior and much more. As a parent, your role is crucial: you need to be able

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social media
Nan Coosemans

Why are teenagers so attracted to TikTok

Raise your hand if you, as a parent, have been involved in filming a TikTok video with your children. Raise your hand if you see your children almost every day performing dances and taking video-selfies with choreography or simply showing themselves. I think almost all parents of kids between the ages of 9 and 18

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Attacchi di panico
Florian Hiele

The hidden gift of panic attacks

In the last few years, the term “panic attack” has taken center stage. The impact of recent world activities combined with 3 year pandemic leaves us without asking why: stress is everywhere, surrounding us all the time. In this article you will learn an important insight in why panic attacks happen, what to do with

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Nan Coosemans

How do I talk about the war in Ukraine with my teenage son or daughter?

As adults around the world watch Russia invade Ukraine, threatening to unleash what many fear will be the largest war in Europe since 1945, and which is speculated to have a global impact on the price of food, fuel, and metal, our kids are listening to our discussions, and watching the news while being bombarded

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Nan Coosemans

Respect: How to get it from your teenage children

Everything parents should know if they want to restate their leadership “My son doesn’t respect me”, “she never listens to what I say”, “he never helps at home”, “he’s always fighting with his siblings”, “she’s always raising her voice at me”. This is the kind of sentence I keep hearing from parents of teenage children

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Florian Hiele

6 steps to make your children stronger and more self-confident NOW!

Hi, I’m Florian Hiele, Family Coach e Youth Trainer, co-founder of Younite. In this article I would like to show you how you can measure the level of your children’s self-confidence and – most of all – what you can do to give them more confidence, if their level is low. Before starting, you should understand

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